It is truly amazing to me how much I can improve my management skills by coaching 9 year old girls soccer. Last night we had another practice and for the most part the girls did an excellent job. They all really enjoy playing soccer and they all really like to win. They are learning that it takes hard work, discipline and a lot of practice if they want to improve and get better, but they are up for the challenge.
so here are some quick take aways from last nights practice....
1. Give specific instructions
2. catch them doing it right, and let them know.
3.. Tell them, Show them, Teach them. You got to do all three.
4. To much yelling looses all effectiveness
5. Telling someone good job will go a long long way
6. Listen to what they have to say, they sometime really "get it" more then you might think.
7. Putting the right girls in the right positions is a key factor to success and fun.
8. practice is important but perfect practice is how you make it really happen
9. celebrate the wins and learn from the losses
10 every once in a while take the kids for Slurpee's. it's the best $2 investment you'll ever make.